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Ester Muro

5 simple steps to stay motivated about your fitness journey

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

I get it. We have all been there. You are into your second month of your new fitness routine and you are starting to feel like it is not sticking. You are starting to procrastinate your training sessions even though they are important to you. Work, family, responsibilities, stress...whatever the "reason" behind missing a session, it is just an excuse - and you know it. Here are 5 simple steps that will help you stay on track:

  1. Make sure you plan your workout routine in your agenda one week in advance. Make a point of it. Are you a morning person or more an evening one? Does it make sense to take advantage of that lunch hour to fit in your training session? Do you prefer to use your weekends instead cause you have more free time? Whatever works best for you...but BLOCK OUT that time spot for YOUR training moment.

  2. Before you start your personal coaching, write down your goals. Add pictures to your vision board. Where would you like to be in the next 3 to 6 months? Make a short time goal list, so it is easier to track your progress.

  3. Do it with a friend! This way you can keep each other accountable for showing up and have a good time while you are at it!

  4. 20 minutes of exercise is better than zero! So if one day you can only squeeze a power walk by yourself or with your dog, then bring it on! Every step you take will move you a little more forward than you were the day before. Celebrate all kinds of progress, no matter how big or small.

  5. Embrace the dopamine rush you get after accomplishing your session and log it down. How did you feel before and after? How much less stressed are you after you work out? It's all positive right in the middle of that hormone rush so take advantage of that good feeling, cause it will be what will make you wanna have it the next day again.

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